Energy Optimisation and Management can be defined as:
“The efficient and cost-effective use of energy to maximise profits (minimise costs) and enhance competitive positions”
This definition simply highlights the direct relationship between energy utilisation and costs and the benefits this has for the business to ensure its successful operation into the future. APC realises the importance of incorporating Energy Management in all facets of Project Management and Engineering (from design phase), as well as Operational Support. As a result, we are committed to delivering energy efficient solutions, taking advantage of all applicable opportunities, while servicing our clients.
Sustainable energy management is a phased, iterative process aimed at addressing the inter-connected and highly dependent systems within operating facilities. Executing energy management in a systematic and holistic fashion and incorporating continuous improvement has the potential to make uninterrupted and optimised production an achievable goal.
In line with the Theory of Constraints, the areas that can result in the greatest sustainable energy savings should be addressed first. While specialist knowledge is required to achieve process or technology efficiencies, participation and commitment from operational as well as maintenance employees are crucial to the success of the energy management strategy.
With this holistic approach in mind, Hatch’s energy management strategy achieves the following outcomes:
- Identifies high energy-consuming, low-performing systems and their constraints
- Lists all Energy Management Opportunities (EMOs)
- Prioritises these opportunities to direct the energy management drive towards the areas of greatest opportunity; and
- Proposes solutions to improve energy optimisation and management of these systems
- Creates a platform for sustainable energy management
APC has a specific methodology and experience to ensure our designs and solutions meets the objectives of Sustainable Energy Optimization and Management.
Specific Energy Optimization & Management Experience is available on request.